BENEATH THE SURFACE: originally aired on Remix Radio and XM

HOW TO BE A MAN (...SORT OF): originally aired on the first episode of O'Dark 30, put out by the NPR affiliate KUT-FM in Texas.

A LESSON IN SOCIAL CONFUSION: was a featured piece on the Public Radio Exchange and Rainn Wilson's website

AND I HAVE NO IDEA..: played in StoryScape: The Literary Journal of Champions, Issue 3

ONE REASON...: played in StoryScape: The Literary Journal of Champions, Vol. 1, Issue 2.

A LENGTH OF TIME: played in the featured artist section of Ninth Letter in February 2009 and received a Creative Short award from the Missouri Review in their 2008 Audio/Video Competition.

THE RABBI: originally aired on StoryLife and will be included in an upcoming issue of Drunken Boat.

IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME: originally aired on The Listening Lounge on Minnesota's NPR affiliate KFAI.
Category:Publication Credits -- posted at: 4:37pm EST