If you have the free moment, please check out the work of some of my closest friends. They range from artists to writers to musicians and besides being talented in their own right, most of them are people that have been featured in some of the stories you may have heard.

Abe Ingle's podcast "The Flight and the Fall"
Evan Cobb: http://www.evancobbjazz.com/
Nell Haynes: http://ya-na-bah.livejournal.com/
Ryan Costello: http://the-ugly-book.livejournal.com/)
David Riemenschneider http://eshinisrael.blogspot.com/2007_03_01_archive.html
Amanda Murray: http://mandr.tumblr.com/

Radiolab: http://www.wnyc.org/shows/radiolab/
This American Life: http://thislife.org/
Joe Frank: http://www.joefrank.com/

The Mountain Goats: http://www.mountain-goats.com/
The Hold Steady:http://www.theholdsteady.com/
Category:Links -- posted at: 4:25pm EST